Sunday 24 July 2011

Swiss Apple Stem Cell

Apple stem cell rejuvenation drinks consists 6 major scientifically proven effective anti-aging ingredient. Swiss Apple Stem Cell is currently the only ingredients which clinically tested to stimulate 80% regeneration of human skin stem cell. You could feel the difference in 2 weeks time.

All dameged cells will be stimulate and reactivate and reverse aging. The collagen found under the dermis layer of skin will improve skin tightening and firming, reduce pores and reduce wrinkles.

The salmon placenta extract called 'Astaxanthin' found in salmon is the world most powerful antioxidants. Salmon placenta is rich in Omega 3, it could reduce atherosclerosis and keep the blood vessel elastin.

Another point is the L-Glutathione found in human liver, can protect skin collagen and the enzyme. it has the strong skin whitening effect and could help to maintain skin elasticity. Besides, it could purify the liver toxins, strenghtens body immune system.

As for the Soy Isoflavones, the regulations of estrogen, delay menopause, breast enhancement, improvement of menstrual pain and accuracy of mentruation period.

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